Tempel's Meredith Meade Named SMU NextGen Award Winner

Award recognizes emerging leaders within the greater steel community
Congratulations to Meredith Meade, NAFTA Steel Purchasing Manager at Tempel, for being named the 2019 Steel Market Update (SMU) NextGen Award winner. The award is given to one candidate who has demonstrated outstanding leadership within his or her company and sets a standard for the rest of the industry.
During her 10 years at Tempel, Meredith has demonstrated a unique ability to develop supplier relationships, successfully implement change, manage information systems, apply automation to improve workflow and mentor others.
Per the award guidelines, all nominees had to be no more than 35 years of age as of August 1, 2019, and currently employed by an organization that utilizes carbon steel as part of its core business function. This includes manufacturing companies or fabricators, steel service centers or toll processors, steel mills and trading companies. Additionally, the judges were looking for a candidate who exhibited extraordinary qualities of innovation, leadership and a rising star potential in which they are recognized by peers as a positive force within the company, among other attributes.
Meredith was chosen among three finalists and presented with the award on August 27 during the SMU Steel Summit held at the Georgia International Convention Center in Atlanta, GA.
In addition to receiving recognition for winning the award, Meredith will get a mentorship day with a prominent industry top executive, a complementary pass to attend one of the SMU Steel 101 or SMU Steel 201 workshops, an invitation to the 2020 SMU Steel Summit Conference with registration fees waived and recognition in the Steel Market Update newsletter and on the SMU/CRU websites.